GN is located in the Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, known as the "Silicon Valley" of China. We are a professional integrated circuit design company, with our design team comprised of experts from top domestic and international semiconductor design companies. With years of experience in chip design and mass production, we focus on the development and sales of integrated circuits, striving to become one of the leading integrated circuit design companies both domestically and internationally. We are dedicated to contributing to the "China Chip, China Dream" initiative with unwavering determination and devotion.
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Мы цэнім ваша ўзаемадзеянне з прадуктамі і паслугамі Chipsmall. Ваша меркаванне важна для нас! Калі ласка, знайдзіце час, каб запоўніць форму ніжэй. Вашы каштоўныя водгукі гарантуюць, што мы будзем забяспечваць выключнае абслугоўванне, якога вы заслугоўваеце. Дзякуй за ўдзел у нашым шляху да дасканаласці.