
ChipON is a high-tech enterprise that focuses on the development of high-reliability, high-quality 8-bit MCUs, 32-bit MCUs, and DSPs based on our proprietary IP KungFu core architecture. So far, we have successfully delivered the KF8F, KF8L, KF8A, KF8TS, KF8S, and other 8-bit series products to the professional chip application market. In late 2019, we began mass production of the KF32A, KF32F, KF32L, KF32LS, and other 32-bit series products. Additionally, we provide the ChipON IDE integrated development environment, ChipON PRO programming software, and KungFu Minipro simulation programmer, thereby achieving a fully self-owned IP ecosystem spanning from chip core design to tool development.
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